Misbah ul Haq’s doll like wife and cute family pictures

Misbah ul Haq is versatile Pakistani cricket player and former coach who has continued a lot to the Pakistani cricket field.Misbah ul Haq has captained the Pakistani team in all formats and is former head coach and former chief selector of the Pakistan national team.For those who don’t know,Misbah ul Haq was a batsman for the Pakistani cricket team.

It should be noted that Misbah ul Haq has now retired from cricket and he played his last ODI on 20 march 2015 against australia.His ODI shirt number was 22 and he played his last test in 2017 on 14th of may.Misbah retired from all formats of international cricket on 14 May 2017

Beside amazing everyone in cricket,Misbah has an MBA degree in Human Resource Management from the University of Management and Technology in Lahore.

Test captain Misbah-ul-Haq is celebrating his 47th birthday today. Misbah has cute wife like doll and she love her husbad more then her we are providing you remarkable clicks of Misbah ul Haq’s family.

On the occasion of his birthday,Many famous cricket players are congratulating him and praying for his happy life.Misbah-ul-Haq, who made his debut against New Zealand on March 8, 2001, has played 61 Tests, 162 ODIs and 39 T20I matches for the national team so far.

Misbah ul Haq was once dismissed at 99 while playing a match and fans became very frustrated and showed solidarity against Misbah.His wife also gave him a new phrase in this regard.

The captain’s wife, Azmi Khan, encouraged her husband in a Twitter message, saying, “Whatever the king, I am very lucky to have you, Mr. 99 Captain Misbah.”

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