Iftikhar Thakur glorious pictures with family

Iftikhar Thakur is a senior Pakistani actor and he is also a comedian.People love his every project and drama serial because of his funny talking style.When his drama serial or show is being casted on Television,whole family gathers up and watch the show specially.

Despite after being a very busy person and having a full work day schedule,people spend time with their families and kids.Iftikhar Thakur is one of them.He always gives first priority to his families and kids when it comes to spending time.

These beautiful views were expressed by many famous personalities of Pakistani industry.

Actor Saleem Sheikh confessed that Iftikhar Thakur does not come on screen if it is sunday but he spends some quality time with this family at the home.

Kashif Mahmood said that He could not stay away from his family for long time,He is always in rush after completing his work to meet his children.

Senior actor Bihar Begum said that in the present  age,children are needed by us as now the joint family system is almost coming to an end due to which if we did not give them quality time due to our busy schedule then other members of the household will miss it and they will miss our love and affection that they need in their lives.

Iftikhar Thakur got prominence after working in Pujabi films and movies.He has also took part in Potwari or we can say mirpuri and urdu movies.

  • Tho he is a senior actor but he always has the same energy and confidence when it comes to on screen.He was born in 1958 and his current age is 64.Iftikhar Thakur has also received the Pride of Performance award in 2019.He has 4 children.


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